Something to Consider Before Considering a Loan

Cash loans and credit cards are necessary in many scenarios however you must keep in mind that due to the interest you'll pay on these loans, whatever you purchase by using a credit card or money from a loan will cost you much more than the amount on the price tag. If you are simply looking for some extra cash to spend on non-necessary items, do yourself a favor and seek out other ways of earning the cash before turning to a personal loan. Whether you get a secured loan or an unsecured loan the risks involved are not worth the effort if you can generate the cash in some other way. Even if you can not generate the amount you need, it can at least decrease the amount of a loan making payments easier and the hit to the wallet that much less.

One idea is to borrow the money you need from a parent, sibling, or a friend. Family members and friends will not usually ask for interest on their loans however you may want to offer them a little interest to sweeten the deal. Even if you pay them $10 extra for each $100 borrowed that would be nowhere near the 5 or 6% you would pay on a normal personal loan from a bank. If you do borrow from a friend keep in mind that nothing can ruin a relationship better than money.

Sell some stuff. Go through all that clutter in the basement or hallway closet and put it on eBay or have a yard sale. Like they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure" and you just never know what someone may find useful until you put it out there. CDs and books, especially old college textbooks will probably do well on the internet while clothes and old nick-knacks will have more luck in a yard sale.

Of course there is always the second job. There are telemarketing opportunities and there are even teaching and tutoring jobs available depending on your area of expertise. If you are a writer, there are a ton of opportunities on the internet, people are always looking for reliable copywriter to create short, keyword driven articles to help promote their businesses. If you are in any way akin to sales there are lots of opportunities available. Mary Kay and similar companies are always looking to increase their sales force. Tupperware, gourmet food, and cosmetic companies all have multi-level marketing schemes that enable anyone with a little motivation to make extra cash.

One of the best ways to conserve the income you do have is to create a budget for yourself. Make an inventory of all your monthly expenses, all of them. Go through this inventory with a fine tooth comb and make note of all the unnecessary and somewhat necessary expenses you have. Make note of which of these expenses you could either eliminate or cut back on. Add them up and see if it is worth the effort. You may be surprised. Things like meals out, gas, tobacco, alcohol are all very expensive luxury items that can be cut from your budget by making your own lunch, public transportation and a bit of self-discipline. This kind of stuff really adds up and if you have a solid goal to keep your eye on, these cut backs can seem a little easier.

Cutting back on extravagant expenses and finding new ways to generate cash are always good for the body and soul. If you can do these and avoid financial emergencies that may require taking out an expensive cash loan then you have done yourself a great favor. Granted, there are plenty of situations when a cash loan is completely necessary however, that's the way it should be because no one really wants to be in debt.


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